Introduction to being Fearless

Are you ready to be fearless in 2020? A new year, a new decade, a new start. It is so exciting. I believe that you have what it takes to approach 2020 fearlessly! But the question is – do YOU believe you have what it takes?

Change is hard, you go first!

If you have been following my blogs, you know that 2019 was filled with significant change for me. After being laid off from an executive leadership position and a great retail career for 30+ years, I found myself wondering where I could add value. This led to starting Running Great Stores and the content I am sharing with you this month comes directly from my own recent experiences. If I can do it, so can you! I know some of you are saying, “I am not you. I can’t do it.” That is the mindset that must change.

C.S. Lewis says “You cant go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”. I love this quote. It is the foundation that today’s blog is based on. Over the past several months, I have met many amazing people who shared how they want to make significant change happen in their life but are afraid to take the first step. Not only does taking the first step take courage, but it also takes willingness to work hard. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. The first step is certainly the hardest and this is what we are going to dig into during my January series.

January Series

This series consists of four micro-blogs, starting with reflecting on 2019 and ending with clear goals for 2020. If you are serious about planning for your best year yet and stepping out fearlessly to go for it, this series is for you.

Reflecting on 2019

One thing I find myself realizing with each passing day is how precious time is. Days roll into weeks, weeks into months and before long, we will be talking about peak again. This realization has made me want to be intentional about everything I do.

So why reflect on 2019? Hindsight is 20/20, right? Plus we are moving into 2020. There are TWO really good reasons that I will cover today.

First of all, to celebrate all the successes that happened all year long. None of us do that enough!

Second, to evaluate the things we didn’t do well. Those are important too! Don’t beat yourself up about it, just learn from it.

Today’s Blog

Today we will focus on one activity that will guide you through your personal reflection of 2019, and if applicable to you, a reflection of your store! While we should spend more time looking ahead than looking back, personal reflection is key. You want to capture what worked well for you and why, as well as what didn’t work like you had hoped and why. These reflections will make goal setting for 2020 so much easier.

A Year in Review Activity

There are two versions, a personal reflection and a “about my store” reflection. Answering these questions will help you get a firm grasp on what your 2019 was like. Remember, this is the first step to planning for 2020. Have fun with it! Click here to get to the printable worksheet.

If you clicked on the link above, congratulations! You have taken the first step in planning for your best year yet. I hope you enjoyed the exercise; it is a problem solving exercise. If you would like to share your reflections with me, email me at I would love to be your thought partner!

With gratitude,


“Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situations. Successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.”

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