Loads of resources for you with more being added all the time!
Loads of resources for you with more being added all the time!
Post Peak Cleanup Checklist
After a busy holiday, it is time to complete a thorough store cleanup! This checklist can be printed off or used digitally as it is a “fillable pdf” format.
Delegation Self-Assessment
Effectively leading requires effectively delegating. Take this assessment and find out just how good you are at delegating!
Customer Experience Assessment
Creating Wow Customer Experiences relies on the entire management team’s commitment to executing the 3 F’s. Use this template to easily assess your team.
Business Review
Looking for an easy way to evaluate your sales results from last week? Download this tool. It is easy to use and will help you think through your sales results so you can move from insight to action. Without action, it is difficult to see changes in your business.
Customer Touchpoints
Have you ever thought about the different customer touchpoint within your stores and how your associates respond to the customer in each of these touchpoints? Take a look at this map…and then think about the experience inside your four walls!
Strategize your New Normal
The transition to the COVID-19 shut down of our world was an enormous change for all of us. There is no reason to believe the transition to the world opening up again won’t be just as full of change. Checkout this template, full of thought-starters on how to move forward to your new normal…for your family, your team, your customer and yourself.